The awesome power of wind is all around us. It whistles across our yards and over our roofs. It ripples our flags and blows through our hair. It’s a free natural resource. No one owns it and you can use it. With UTICA® residential and building wind turbines, you will be able to harness the wind and tranform it into usable power right from your home. You will also be able to reduce pollution, lower electric bills and decrease complete dependence on depleting oil and gas sources. And you can do it right in your very own backyard!
UTICA® Wind Turbine Generators allow you to capture nature’s power and convert it into clean, dependable energy you can use in areas where the power grid doesn’t reach. Whether you are generating energy for a remote house, sailboat or offshore platform, UTICA® Wind Turbine Generators are designed to perform and fit your energy needs in most wind conditions. You also may find that combining wind power with solar can create a perfect complementary system for keeping your batteries charged.
UTICA® Wind Turbine Generators work in conjunction with your utility power (power from your electric company). When the wind blows, the turbine starts working and generates clean, affordable electricity to power your home or building. When you and your family use more power than your wind turbine produces, your utility power or alternative energy generation will take over. In cases when your turbine is producing more energy than you are using, you may sell (only applicable in some countries) the excess electricity back to the electric company. It really is the best of both worlds.